
Some Quotes I've Picked Up Along the Way

"Listen. Don't talk."

"The middle class is just beginning to understand and respect interior design...but most of us will not be designing for them."

"You will have no life."

"You're not working hard enough now."

"Be flexible as hell!"

"Do whatever they ask"

"Become who you service. Dress like them...get the car...get the girl...if you're going to work for the rich, you better start acting like one."

"Thank you cards, thank you cards, thank you cards."

"Face to face"

"Few people understand the value of a written letter in modern times"

"People love driven people. People love people with passion. People love those who love others...and it MUST be genuine."

"Everything comes genuinely, and it must."

"Be confident - not arrogant."

"I can do what no one else can."

"Excited, energetic, comedic, and driven."

"The social media is often wasted, as one goes to a party and drinks, without connecting. I don't mean you need to raddle off with a bunch of greedy business tactics. I mean you need to change the room you're in. You will have the best shirts. You will have the best hair. You will be the best. The best will notice you."

"I don't believe I'm the best. I think I work harder."

"It's never enough."

"We're not doing this unless you, the client, love it. Be honest with me! It's okay! You won't hurt my feelings. I have a million ideas."

"My clients are members of my extended family."

"Clients need to love you. They won't if you don't love them."

"Commercial design is much easier. Codes are easy because teams of trade professionals look after you. They have your back. There's no emotional connection to overcome in the commercial world. It's do this, do that, I gotta go home..."

"Open floor plans sell in the residential world."

"Family time and money - all that sells. You'll never get time back. Ever."

"Read every book you can get your hands on."

"Educate yourself in business, self development and awareness, and people interaction."

"It's also our job to remind them we're not simply decorators. Remind them what it means to be an interior designer."

"Become your mentor. Then become better than he or her. Honestly!"

"Be honest. Deliver your best work, like they will die if everything isn't perfect."

"I want want want. I never need. I know the difference."

"Everything in my company goes through marketers, lawyers, and so on. Everything is polished before it goes out."

"Everything is a sacrifice. It's for something better. It's for love and passion. Not money. The money will come. Don't worry."

"Go to The Big City for jobs and interesting characters."

"Work for a company for the very least five years. Then go solo if you would like, and if you think you're good enough, but before that, let them shape you and exposure you to new ideas." 

"I'm also a servant. No request is too extreme. I do things the RIGHT WAY. I even help clients pick out suits or candles."

"Don't start local. You'll get trapped. You need to be alone to where you make it or break it. You'll grow so much more as a person."


"Those of you having entitlement issues and egocentrism won't make it. There's a fine line between being bold and putting yourself on a pedestal."

"Tell your life story.  This is very, very, very, very, very, very, very hard earned money. You need to die for it, and you will."

"Be the best dressed. Always. Anywhere."

"Entertain the whole crowd. Sell yourself in a light that isn't true. When times are tough, be the absolute opposite."

"You need to be more extroverted. Always. Anywhere. Everywhere. Every time."

"Be up beat all the time."

Anything worth doing is worth doing well."

"Like everyone and play well, not good."

"Wear glasses to convince someone of something. Wear a tie to seal the deal, look professional, and to take control of the situation."

"Get a brief case - backpacks are for school."

"Teeth are very important! Start whitening them now!"

"Some people say what or huh even when they know what the person said. Whether this is nervousness or bad hearing, you must correct this right away!"

"Take control of the conversation, complement, talk about your history of knowing each other, get down to business and correct the situation, and when you sense they are uncomfortable, continue with the above."

"This car is just for appearance. I don't drive it all the time."

"Gifts are so important! I always give out gifts to prospective clients, current clients, and even past clients. You know you'd like it if you got a gift basket when no one else even got you a card - especially when it were adorned with everything you like inside, at top quality."

"Never be late. Ever. It's better to walk in early than to ever be late. Do you know what you're saying when you waltz in late?"

"If you don't know the answer, improvise. If you forgot what color you had used because you had designed the project so long ago, tell the client that you believe you used a certain color, and that you'll double check just to make sure. You never want to tell them you don't know. It's better to give them reassurance when you defend your choice, even if it may be cited incorrectly, and telling them you'll double check shows dedication, drive, and flexibility. This is an industry standard."

"It's not about me, the tile guy, the architect, the carpenter, or any other trade professional. It's all about the client."

"There's two types of people in this world - clients and others."

"We're selling ice to eskimos. It needs to be perfect."

"Every minute I waste of my client's time is another minute I'm stopping them from saving lives in their job(s). Remember, our clients are doctors, lawyers, etc. Do not waste their time. Time is more important than money sometimes."

"Do not assume that your client is your friend, but they should assume you are theirs."

"Don't just talk the talk. Walk the walk. We'll see how you do Monday, and take it from there."

"The second you ask for a raise in a firm, remember how many times you came in late among other conditions that may inhibit your next promotion."

"I'm wearing a tie today. Today's a big day."

"The one thing they don't tell you about opening your own business is how hard it is. When you think you're ready, you're not. In addition, firms are great to work for if you work well in an office setting. They're 8-5, you get to make your boss a lot of money, compete with other designers for recognition and future jobs, and you don't have to take all of the liability. The company will do that for you to an extent. Also, at most firms, people come and go from work as they please. It really comes down to the quality/quantity of work done at then end of the day."

"You never want to pretend to be someone you're not."

1 comment:

  1. Ryan,

    I loved all of these quotes. I feel that a good portion may have come from me.

    keep up the good work
