
The Drastic Switch

          Upon constructing this blog a few months back, I was forced to make a decision: Am I going to write this like a college application letter to please relevant trade professionals and put on some elaborate show personality or am I going to be real with all of my viewers, letting them know what I stand for, and how I truly view the subjects and topics I seem to often discuss.  It brings me great pleasure to offer you a site that offers me complete transparency as an interior designer and musician, letting you know exactly what I stand for, and how I truly feel.  How many Facebooks have you visited that all looked the same?  These "Duck Face"-ed women with their girlfriends in cocktail dresses, going to LED-adorned bars, flirting with men 5 years older than them, who are rockin' Ed Hardy shirts and "blow out" hair cuts?  How about hookah lounge "smoke ring pictures," self proclaimed models, or "photographers" that have taken an intro Adobe Photoshop CS5 class.  Im in no position to feel the need to replicate what's been done time and time again, and I truly hope you appreciate that.  Why not use the time to let you know who I am and what I'm all about, rather than clone myself into you liking me?  I know you're sick of looking at all these "hot shot, my shit don't stink" 22 year olds that feel they've toured the world 7 times...let's get real...regardless...

          As of a couple weeks ago, I graduated from Michigan State University and earned a BA in interior design.  This was quite an accomplishment for me, as I was my father's 1st son to complete college, but also because MSU was (and still is) a Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) accredited design school.  A few weeks have now passed, and I've since sent out a few thank you letters, or something to the tune of that to at least let those in my personal, as well as professional life, know I'm still there, and will always be there.  I think it's about time my blog gets a new "face lift"...out with the old...in with the new.  Same house...new shrubs baby ;)  If you've gotten a chance to look at my most recent project, Lush Nightclub & Lounge, either on this blog, or on one of my other sites, I truly hope you enjoyed looking at it as much as I liked designing the facility.  It's so surreal when you've been working on a project for nearly a year, you're up day and night, and then...nothing.  It's gone; it's out of your hands.  It takes a certain "reset" back to society and most importantly, your friends and family, after something like that.  I've spent the past couple weeks writing music, taking pictures, going to night venues, and trying to break out of this "social stall" ( and I don't mean confined bathroom, mind you ;) ] I've seemed to fall victim to.  It's been very hard picking up on circles I've neglected for nearly a year, or sometimes longer, for things like school, interior design, and projects.

           I'm in the grueling process of job searching...or should I say..."the rest of my life" searching ;)  I honestly don't know as of right now how the hell I'm ever going to make it down to Florida, but I've never given up on any dream I've ever had.  I'm GOING to go...it's just a matter of when.  However, as time keeps ticking and the days shorter and shorter, I have no idea how or even why I'm still attempting this.  I want to launch all of my new ideas, music, designs, photography, etc...I just don't think I'm ready.  I won't get to where I want to be where I'm at...where I've been...where I was yesterday, and although I won't tell you why exactly, let's just say I have no drive.  I have no one pushing me.  I have no one who cares about my success (although I do have those that seem to care if I'm alive for whatever reason...I still haven't proven myself yet to them, so I don't know why I get this inherent love...I feel rather guilty in this regard), or my designs.  Everyone I show my designs to doesn't care or doesn't seem to get it...or me, and the eccentricity I seem to radiate in all facets of my life.  Believe me...you have no idea how many phone calls I get about my personal Facebook account.  MY own personal account!  Can you believe that?

          It all seems to point to one direction: that I'm a wildcard...unpredictable...you thought you could put your finger on me, but your interpretation fell after further inspection that was never justified in the beginning.  I'm very direct, and I hope people don't take what I say offensively, as I've been beaten and polished in the same clear fashion my entire life.  Let's face it..."mind games" are better suited for the dating world.  I don't have time for bullshit, and if I did, I wouldn't even be wasting my time...you want an adjective for my interior design business someday?  One of the infamous three adjectives business men and women use to define their goals and objectives: Perseverance.

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